Thursday, April 28, 2011

Through a glass

I've decided there is too much life to not share. And even if no one else follows along, I'll have beautiful reminders of God's grace.

I wrote this a few weeks ago... when the supermoon appeared in the sky. I just forgot to share it till now.

Tonight I went outside to look at the moon. Apparently, tonight’s orb is a ‘supermoon’ and it showed in the brilliance and splendor of it’s glow. As I gazed upon it, I thought…

I thought of the 50 workers in Japan who are laying down their lives to prevent a nuclear meltdown that would destroy so much.

I thought of wars and earthquakes and tsunamis and all the horrible things that happen on this earth.

I thought of the glory that lies beyond this earth.

I thought of how the moon is just a miniscule reflection of that glory.

And as the clouds danced past the moon, sometimes obscuring it completely, other times magnifying its light, I thought of 1 Corinthians 13:12.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. Now I know in part; but then shall I know even as I am also known.”

For now, our glimpses of heaven are as through a glass. Or as if through the clouds. There are times when dark clouds obscure our view completely. At other times, we catch glimpses of greater glory as those same clouds, or trials, draw us near to God.

But then…

Oh glorious thought!

But then, we shall see face to face.

No more darkness. No more obscurity. No more uncertainty. Only face to face glory.

Now I know in part. Then, I will know completely, totally, and utterly--as I am known by Christ.

Now we see through a glass… but then…

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Miss Brittany!

    Okay, so you may or may not remember me, but it's Natalia Leslie from the 2009 Bible Bee in Wichita :)
    I found your blog, which is wonderful! I was looking through older posts of yours, and saw that you were a "warrior" for a child on Reece's Rainbow. I did that, too, and our family might adopt a chid through Reece's Rainbow someday. I thought it was awesome that you did that!
    I hope you're doing well. Are you volunteering to do anything for the Bible Bee this year?

